‘Secret services, politics and crises in the Cold War’ With Daniela Münkel

Buchcover ©Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag

‘Secret services, politics and crises in the Cold War’ With Daniela Münkel

30.01.2025, 18:00


Prof. Dr. Daniela Münkel (BArch) reports on the inventory of the breakdown, availability and indexing of secret service sources in German and foreign archives and presents the new publication in the academic series of the Stasi Records Archive.
Based on historical case studies from 1948, 1953 and the early 1960s, the practices of information processing in secret services in the West and East and their ‘political counselling’ capabilities in crisis situations are examined.
Following the book presentation, Prof. Dr. Daniela Münkel (BArch) will be in conversation with David Schraven (CORRECTIV). The event will be moderated by Dr. Heiko Neumann (Bautzner Straße Dresden Memorial).
Further information on the book series and this title can be found on the website of the publisher Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

In co-operation with the Bundesarchiv/Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv, Standort Dresden


Beforehand, at 4.30 pm, a guided tour ‘From the Soviet cellar prison to the camp’ offers insights into the special history. Interested members of the public can obtain information on accessing files between 10am and 6pm. Applications for personal access to Stasi files can be made on site. This requires an identity document is required.


Foto: Buchcover ©Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag


Admission free